Institut Stralang, Strasbourg France
ID 305 Standard course 15 hours/week
General French, culture, and society for levels A1, A2, B1, B2, and C1 (according to the CECRL).
Schedule:Â 3 hours/day and 5 days/week. General French courses take place every morning from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM, Monday through Friday in Level Groups (A1 to C1).
The objectives of the courses correspond to the rules defined in the framework of the CECRL. The student develops skills in oral, written, and oral and written comprehension while acquiring knowledge of French culture and society.
Tutoring: 1 hour per week in the reservation of places, one afternoon of your choice (from Tuesday to Thursday), from 13h30 to 14h30 for those enrolled in the standard program.
1 month
3 months
5 months
10 months
ID 306 Intensive Course 20 hours/week
General French, culture, and society for levels A1, A2, B1, B2, and C1 (according to the Cadre Européen Commun de Référence pour les Langues, CECRL).
Schedule: 4 hours/day and 5 days/week
General French courses take place every morning from 9:00 to 12:00 and every afternoon from 12:15 to 13:15, from Monday to Friday in groups of levels (A1 to C1).
The objectives of the courses correspond to the rules defined in the framework of the CECRL. The student develops skills in oral, written, and oral and written comprehension while acquiring knowledge of French culture and society.
Tutoring:Â 3 hours a week free of charge, depending on availability (Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday), from 13h30 to 14h30 for students enrolled in intensive courses